Halloween Begins Here
August 1-3, 2025
Who We Are
Kreepfest is more akin to a family reunion than a trade show. You won't find a huge vendor floor with wild props to fill your haunt with ( If you're looking for that, I recommend Transworld, Texas Haunter's Convention, or HAuNTCon). What you will find is a group of fun Halloween-loving people who gather to have fun and learn a few new tricks before heading into the haunt season with both feet.
It's a great way to network and make friends with the kind of people who understand your Halloween obsession. There's fun and games, prizes and silly stuff, interesting demonstrations and guest speakers, a gathering of ghostly partygoers shaking their spectral tailfeathers, a make-and-take brunch where you can create a prop to get your haunt started ... we love it. We think you will too.