Welcome to Pre-Registration!
By pre-registering you're signing up for all the special things that come with being kind enough to let us know you're coming! What sorts of things? Well...
A 'Welcome to Kreepfest' bag will be reserved in your name. This bag contains swag and goodies only available to those who pre-register before June 1st, 2024.*
A monthly update email to keep you in the loop of all news. Just once a month. Your email won't be sold or spammed.
Personalized Kreepfest badges for everyone in your group.*
* Tyvek wristbands will be provided for the Zombie Prom that designates whether a person is of legal drinking age or not. These wristbands will be included in your welcome bag with the badges.
Your welcome bag will be personalized a bit depending on your group's makeup ( A single adult won't need the same goodies as a family with two kids under 6 ... you get the idea)